Impossible is saying I'm possible

Impossible is saying I'm possible.

There were two brothers, one 8 years old and other 12 years old. They were playing in a village field. While playing, the elder brother unluckily slipped and fell down into a ditch partially filled with water. He was not able to move and found himself helpless. Both brothers started shouting for the help.

But no one was around. Suddenly the younger one saw a bucket attached to a rope nearby. Without wasting the time, he threw the bucket in the ditch and started pulling his brother out. In the beginning, it looked impossible, the elder one was really heavy and stuck deeply. But gradually, with his mightiest efforts, the younger one pulled his brother out.

Both were very happy. They told the story to their villagers. All felt happy but later thought both brothers were lying to get attention, because how could a younger and skinny one can pull out a big guy.

But there was one guy who believed their story. And he was the wisest guy of the village. So the villagers asked him how it could be possible.

The villager explained, "When the elder one fell, no one was there in the vicinity to explain to younger one that he cannot pull his brother out. It is impossible. Even the elder brother was not in the condition to tell his brother about this."

So, my friends, many tasks are impossible in this world, because either someone told us this or we felt it. Many tasks can be achievable just we need to ignore the facts and trust our abilities. A man can show his real strength when the goal is clear and doubts are none.
Impossible is saying I'm possible Impossible is saying I'm possible Reviewed by Sumeet Kataria on 8:00 AM Rating: 5

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