Direction-less goals
In our day to day life, we see many stray dogs in the vicinity who are running behind vehicles trying to chase it. Did you ever bother thinking what they are really going after? Story - Once there was a farmer whose dog used to sit beside a road waiting for the vehicles to cross-by. As soon as some vehicle would come near-by, it would start chasing it and try to overtake it. After running for some distance, it used to come back and would wait for the next vehicle. One day, a neighbour came by and asked to the farmer - "Do you think your dog will ever catch any car?" The farmer replied, "I am not sure will it catch any car or not, but I am more confused about what it will do if catch one." In our day to day life, we also keep running behind direction-less goals. We run after one, try achieving it and without bothering about it the next day start looking for any next goal. Let's stop it, let's be smart, let's have smart goals and not direction-less goals.
Direction-less goals
Reviewed by
Sumeet Kataria
8:00 AM
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