Be Wise Wisely

I heard of this story multiple times in childhood from my father. The story is to find the real fool. It may look simple in the beginning but if we use the moral, can benefit a lot in our life.

A young boy stayed in a village. Nearby one of his neighbours, just to prove that the boy was a big fool, used to play a trick with him in front of the crowd.

The man, his neighbour, used to offer him in one hand 2 one rupees coin and in another hand 5 rupees note. And the boy was always picking 2 one rupees coin. Some stranger in the crowd once tried to explain the trick of his neighbour to the boy.

The boy gave him a light smile. The stranger didn't understand. He again tried to explain the situation. Finally, the boy replied, "Sire, I know his trick. But...", The stranger shockingly asked, "But what?"

"The day I will pick the 5 rupee note, I will stop getting the other part. Now, you tell", the boy replied.

The stranger was dumbstruck at the wisdom of the young boy.

Now you tell, who is a fool. The one who enacts to look like a fool or the one who thinks that he is too wise to make a fool of others. Remember friends, in this world, only looking wise is not always wise. If you are winning the competition after losing also, then don't hesitate...go ahead.

Be Wise Wisely Be Wise Wisely Reviewed by Sumeet Kataria on 12:30 AM Rating: 5

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